The economic news reports are kind of unsettling this spring.  We see little rays of hope glimmering that the national economy is getting better.  Items such as housing starts are up, economic growth is improving or unemployment may be moderating.  However, it seems that every time we get a little hope building the good news is quickly followed by a new set of events that shake everyone’s confidence again.  Wars, pirates, foreign financial panics, environmental disasters and terrorist events all seem to be more and more common.  Every economic “expert” that I read or listen to seems to center on the theme that this business cycle is different from previous cycles and this economic recovery will take longer and will continue along its’ wobbly path to the future place where we achieve economic health once again in America and abroad.   It is not surprising then that we are all looking for ways to reduce the business risks we face, in everything we do.

Our Managed Cost Program helps mitigate risk in our areas of specialty.  By applying focused expertise and implementing a robust set of management controls over the cost center of printed page production, we work to consistently manage this cost center to your best cost and productive advantage.  Our Program clients enjoy a high degree of insulation against the risks of inflation, unexpected material cost increases, capital expenditures and technology obsolescence.   The flexibility this Programming provides for making needed changes in productivity as well as the significant savings in related cost areas add to their padding against business risk.

Our clients can focus all of their resources on achieving their stated mission and concentrate on growing their business.  They no longer have to dilute that effort by dedicating resources to managing anything other than their core business. Having a non-core business process managed in a transparent and verifiable program by professionals in any particular specialty frees up resources to do so.